Lana Markovic

How I can help you

Personal coaching and yoga go together hand in hand. While coaching mostly takes the form of a conversation, I use many elements of yoga to support my clients’ self-discovery and self-actualization.

Personal coaching

Personal coaching focuses on the whole person, addressing any topic you want to work on – from health and wellness to personal relationships and professional development.

It provides you with a safe space to be yourself, tap into your inner resources and wisdom, attain more self-awareness, and use that awareness to take action and create a life you want to live.

How it works

Every coaching relationship starts with designing an alliance between me as the coach and you as the client. We work on discovering your personal values, life purpose, passions, and goals, as well as a personal critic, fears, and limiting beliefs. In ongoing coaching we address your most pressing topics until you get to a place where fulfillment and balance are part of your everyday life.

I coach in person and virtually. I currently live in North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

My coaching method is based on the Co-Active Model, known as the most flexible and proven model in the coaching world. If you want to learn more about the model, you can watch this video. And when you’re ready, feel free to schedule a 30-minute complimentary coaching session with me!


Yoga, like personal coaching, focuses on the whole person. It is a spiritual, mental, and physical discipline that “brings you to reality.”

Practicing yoga can be complementary to working with a personal coach or a practice on its own. Although today we mostly think of yoga as a practice based on physical movement, its impact is much broader and more powerful than defining muscles and increasing flexibility. As your yoga teacher, I work with you to increase your strength and flexibility, as well as become more grounded and mindful.

How it works

To build your practice we start with an assessment of your current experience with yoga, including physical and spiritual exercise, and address any injuries as well as areas in your body that you want to focus on. Through an ongoing practice of yoga you keep building a unified relationship with your body, mind, and spirit. A continuous practice allows you to take that experience with you off the mat to live a more grounded, mindful life while feeling physically stronger.

I teach in person and virtually. I currently live in North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, and can only teach local clients in person.

My teaching method is based on Power Yoga, which entails the physical postures (asanas) to access physical power and vitality; breath (pranayama) to access life force and vital energy; meditation (dhyana) to access mindfulness and grounding; and inquiry (niyama) to access personal discovery and new possibilities.

Coaching & Yoga combo

With access to our whole selves – the body, mind, and spirit – we become powerful beings with control over our lives. I invite you to take an opportunity to experience both personal coaching and yoga practice with me.