Lana Markovic

Close your eyes and take a deep breath, inhaling the air of change.

You made it!

Congratulations on taking a step towards inviting positive change into your life!

Positive change can happen in many ways, and I’m here to support you in achieving it through personal coaching and yoga. The two disciplines work together in synchronicity: they are both created on the foundation of self-care, self-awareness, introspection, mindfulness, and personal growth.

In today’s world, it’s easy to get overwhelmed with information and tasks that are constantly being added to our to-do list. We set very high standards for ourselves and end up running through our lives, tackling as many things as we can on the way. Life happens, and we go with the flow until we get lost in that flow, wondering where we are and how we’ve gotten there.

That’s where I step in, partnering with you to create awareness of your current life situation and form an action plan to create your own flow that will get you exactly where you want to be, at your own time.

As a coach, I incorporate breath and mindfulness into my coaching practice and only engage clients in physical movement if they want to move. As a yoga teacher, I incorporate mindfulness and introspection into every practice and only ask questions if my clients want to talk.


How I support my clients

I bring about more self-awareness and support my clients on their journey to live balanced and fulfilled lives mindfully and sustainably. I truly believe in and promote an integrated approach to life with a conscious mind, healthy body, and open spirit, while respecting each other and nature.

You should work with me if you

  • have big life goals and need clarity on how to achieve them
  • feel stuck in some area of your life and need a pull to get out of it, move forward and in the right direction
  • feel burned out, unfulfilled, and eager to find meaning in your work and relationships
  • are anxious about what the future holds
  • feel out of place while trying to adapt to a new environment and culture 
  • lack self-confidence, which is preventing you from going after what you really want
  • are unable to hold onto your commitments and need an accountability partner
  • feel out of touch with your body and emotions and want to feel like your whole-self again
  • are ready to leave status quo and pursue your passion
  • want to become physically stronger and more flexible